
川崎 真由子 Mayuko KAWASAKI

作曲家  Composer


横浜生まれ。国立音楽大学、同大学院音楽研究科修士課程作曲専攻修了。作曲を菊池幸夫、音楽理論を山口博史、小河原美子、市川景之、丸山和範、Bernard de CREPY各氏に師事。在学中、国外研修生としてニース夏期国際音楽アカデミー派遣。第18回奏楽堂日本歌曲コンクール作曲部門、第30回現音作曲新人賞など受賞。Music From Japan 2024(US)招聘作曲家。近年は現代詩の分野との交流を通した創作活動を展開する他、『フーガ書法 パリ音楽院の方式による』(山口博史著/音楽之友社)へのラヴェルスタイルのフーガの掲載、『必ず役立つ吹奏楽ハンドブック 和声編』(ヤマハ・ミュージックメディア)の執筆など、音楽理論書製作にも携わる。



Mayuko Kawasaki



Born in Yokohama City, Mayuko Kawasaki was educated at Kunitachi College of Music, obtaining a master’s in composition from the Department of Music Research. She studied composition with Yukio Kikuchi and music theory under Hiroshi Yamaguchi. While a graduate student, she was sent as an international trainee to AIEN: Académie Internationale d’Eté de Nice. Her graduate school research was focused on the contrapuntal style of Ravel. Recipient of the New Composers Contemporary Music Prize in the Sogaku-do Japan Lied Composers Competition, Kawasaki has been active in networking with poets, collaborating on works and participating in symposia featuring both composers and contemporary poets. She has been published widely on musicology, contributing to the Yamaha Music Media series book, Absolutely Useful Wind Instrumentalists Handbook; Harmony, among others. Her essay on fugues in the style of Ravel was included in Hiroshi Yamaguchi’s book, Fugue Writing in the Paris Conservatory Style (Ongaku no Tomo). Presently, Kawasaki serves as Full-time Lecturer at Soai University, Osaka, and Part-time Lecturer at Senzoku Gakuen College of Music, Kawasaki City. She is a member of the Solfege Studies Conference Japan and the Franco-Japanese Association of Contemporary Music.